Call for Papers:
Our site: greencitiesconference.com
Competitive papers or detailed abstracts and proposals for symposia, tutorials and workshops are invited for submission. The submission deadline is February 20, 2025
- Accounting
- Branding & Luxury Management
- Building Technology
- Business Law & CSR
- Case Studies
- Commodities & Commodity Risk
- Corporate Communication
- Design & Smart Buildings
- Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI)
- e-Commerce & Data Mining
- Economics
- Entrepreurship & SMEs
- Enterprise Systems & Analytics
- Finance & Financial Management
- Financial Engineering
- Health Care Management
- Healthy Cities & Suburbs
- Hospitality & Entertainment Management
- Human Resources Management & Negotiation
- Information Technology & Enterprise Security
- Innovative Education
- International Business
- Knowledge Management
- Leadership & Women
- MS/OR: Techniques & Models
- Marine & Environmental Sciences
- Marketing Theory, Application & Practice
- Organization Behavior, Leadership & Innovation
- Physics & Electrical Engineering
- Political Science & International Relations
- Quality & Productivity/Project & Risk Mgt
- Service Management
- Social Media
- Statistics & Business Analytics
- Strategy & Resource Management
- Supply Chain & Manufacturing Management
- Sustainability
- Transportation & Energy
Awards for Best Paper in the following areas are open for competitions:
- Best Contribution to Theory
- Best Contribution to Application of Theory
- Best Paper Award in Innovative Education
- Best Paper Award in Strategy/Knowledge Management
Awards for best student presentations in the following categories are open for competition:
- Best Presentation by Ph.D. students
- Best presentation by Master’s degree students
- Best Presentation by UG students