Western New England University, Springfield, Massahcuessts
Accounting | ||||
Prof. John McQuilkin Gabelli School of Business Roger Williams University Bristol, RI, USA jmcquilkin@rwu.edu | Dr. A J Stagliano |
Branding & Luxury Management | ||||
Dr. Michel Makiela | Dr. Miao Zhao Gabelli School of Business Roger Williams University Bristol, RI, USA mzhao@rwu.edu |
Building Technology | ||||
Dr. Issa Ramaji | Dr. Amine Ghanem |
Business Law & CSR | ||||
Prof. Thomas Lonardo Gabelli School of Business & Justice Studies Roger Williams University Bristol, RI, USA tlonardo@rwu.edu | Prof. Thomas Langdon Gabelli School of Business Roger Williams University Bristol, RI, USA tlangdon@rwu.edu |
Case Studies | ||||
Prof. Lynn Ruggieri Gabelli School of Business Roger Williams University Bristol, RI, USA lruggieri@rwu.edu | Dr. Robert Rambo College of Business Loyola University New Orleans, LA, USA rgrambo@loyno.edu |
Commodities & Commodity Risk | ||||
Dr. Scott Mackey Gabelli School of Business Roger Williams University Bristol, RI, USA smackey@rwu.edu | Dr. Bryan Schmutz College of Business Western New England Univ Springfield, MA, USA bryan.schmutz@wne.edu |
Corporate Communication | ||||
Dr. Robert Cole Communication Studies Roger Williams University Bristol, RI, USA rcole@rwu.edu | Prof. Patricia Tehami Ecole de Management University of Strasbourg Strasbourg, France patricia.tehami@em-strasbourg.eu |
Design & Smart Building | ||||
Prof. Patrick Charles School of Architecture Roger Williams University Bristol, RI, USA pcharles@rwu.edu | Dr. Rahman Azari Institute of Energy & Evn Penn State University University Park, USA razari@psu.edu |
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) | ||||
Dr. Pamela Wynn Consultant, NGOs, Ghana, Nigeria Atlanta, GA, USA pmwynn@outlook.com | Dr. Patricia Mariella Intertibal Council of Arizona Arizona State University Tempe, AZ, USA Pat.Mariella@asu.edu |
e-Commerce & Data Mining | ||||
Dr. Carol Lee D’Amore-McKim School of Bus Northeastern University Boston, MA, USA car.lee@northeastern.edu | Dr. Mohsen Ahmadian College of Management Univ of Massachusetts – Boston Boston, MA, USA mohsen.ahmadian001@umb.edu |
Economics | ||||
Dr. Luis Rivera-Solis Capella University, USA Luis.Rivera@capella.edu | Dr. Nader Asgary Bentley University Waltham, MA, USA NAsgaryy@bentley.edu |
Entrepreneurship & SMEs | ||||
Dr. Patrick Dümmler | Mr. Patric Papenfuss |
Enterprise Systems & Analytics | ||||
Dr. Manouch Tabatabaei Parker College of Business Georgia Southern University Savanah, GA, USA mtabatabaei@georgiasouthern.edu | Dr. Yajni Warnapala |
Finance & Financial Management | ||||
Dr. John Malindretos | Dr. Mark Wu Gabelli School of Business Roger Williams University Bristol, RI, USA markwu@rwu.edu |
Health Care Management | ||||
Dr. Lawrence Fulton Boston College Chestnut Hill, MA, USA lawrence.fulton@bc.edu | Dr. Zo Ramamonjiarivelo School of Health Administration Texas State University San Marcos, TX, USA zhr3@txstate.edu |
Healthy Cities & Suburbs | ||||
Dr. Suzanne Lanyi Charles College of Architecture, Art & Planning Cornell University Ithaca, NY, USA scharles@cornell.edu | Dr. Wei Li School of Environment Beijing Normal University Beijing, China weili@bnu.edu.cn |
Hospitality & Entertainment Management | ||||
Dr. Tung-Shan Liao | Dr. Xiangrong Liu Bridgewater State University Bridgewater, MA, USA xliu@bridgew.edu |
Human Resource Management & Negotiation | ||||
Dr. Guy Deloffre ICN Business School Nancy, France deloffreguy@hotmail.fr | Dr. Brendan D. Bannister Northeastern University Boston, MA, USA b.bannister@neu.edu |
Information Technology & Enterprise Security | ||||
Dr. Doug White School of Arts & Sciences Roger Williams University Bristol, RI, USA dwhite@rwu.edu | Prof. Russell Beauchemin School of Justice Studies, Roger Williams University Bristol, RI, USA rbeauchemin@rwu.edu |
Innovative Education | ||||
Dr. Autumn Quezada-Grant School of Hum, Arts, & Edu Roger Williams University Bristol, RI, USA aquezada-grant@rwu.edu | Dr. John Weber DeVry University North Brunswick, NJ, USA jweber@devry.edu |
International Business | ||||
Prof. Gayatree Siddhanta | Dr. Martins Priede
Knowledge Management | ||||
Dr. Jann Hidajat | Dr. Nuno Guimaraes da Costa ICN – ARTME Business School Paris, France nuno.guimaraes-dacosta@icn-artem.com |
Leadership & Women | ||||
Dr. Paula Talty | Dr. Toni Ryan School of Ed & Professional Studies Central Connecticut State University New Britain, CT, USA amryan@ccsu.edu |
MS/OR: Techniques & Models | ||||
Dr. Carolyn LaMacchia School of Business Bloomsburg University Bloomsburg, PA, USA clamacch@commonwealthu.edu | Dr. Frederick Johnson Center for Info Systems & Tech Clermont Graduate University Claremont, CA, USA frederick.johnson@cgu.edu |
Marine & Environmental Sciences | ||||
Dr. Jacob Bueno de Mesquita Feinstein School of Social & Natural Sciences Roger Williams University Bristol, RI, USA jbuenodemesquita@rwu.edu | Dr. Chelsea Corr-Limoges Dept. of Biology/Chemistry Springfield College Springfield, MA, USA ccorr-limoges@Springfieldcollege.edu |
Marketing Theory, Application, & Practice | ||||
Dr. Yimin Zhu Sun Yat-Sen University Guangzhou, China mnszym@mail.sysu.edu.cn | Dr. Krish Krishnan Indiana Univ of Pennsylvania Indiana, PA, USA krishnan@iup.edu |
Organization Behavior, Leadership & Innovation | ||||
Dr. Deseré Kokt Central University of Technology Bloemfontein, Republic of S. Africa koktd@cut.ac.za | Dr. Benjamin Innis Gabelli School of Business Roger Williams University |
Physics & Electrical Engineering | ||||
Dr. Shobhit Aggarwal The Citadel Charleston, SC, USA saggrawal@citadel.edu | Dr. Arnab Purkayastha School of Engineering Western New England University Springfield, MA, USA arnab.purkayastha@wne.edu |
Political Science & International Relations | ||||
Dr. Wendy Godek Feinstein School of Soc & Nat Sc Roger Williams University Bristol, RI, USA wgodek@rwu.edu | Dr. Joseph Roberts Feinstein School of Soc & Nat Sc Roger Williams University Bristol, RI, USA jroberts@rwu.edu |
Quality, Productivity, Project & Risk Management | ||||
Dr. Artur Swierczek Katowice University of Economics Katowice, Poland artuross@ue.katowice.pl | Dr. Maling Ebrahimpour College of Business University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI, USA mebrahimpour@uri.edu |
Service Management | ||||
Dr. Mahour Mellat-Parast Arizona State University Tempe, AZ, USA mahour.parast@gmail.com | Dr. Shirley Yeung Associate Vice President UNESCO HK Hong Kong shirleymc@gmail.com |
Social Media | ||||
Dr. Sharmin Attaran Bryant University Smithfield, RI, USA sattaran@bryant.edu | Dr. Virlena Crosley School of Business Linfield College McMinnville, OR, USA vcrosle@linfield.edu |
Statistics & Business Analytics | ||||
Dr. Bahadir Akcam School of Business Western New England Univ Springfield, MA, USA bahadir.akcam@wne.edu | Dr. Fatemeh Pouromran School of Engineering Northeastern University Boston, MA, USA pouromran.f@northeastern.edu |
Strategy & Resource Management | ||||
Dr. Robert Fiore Springfield, College Springfield, MA, USA rfiore@Springfieldcollege.edu | Dr. Nedjima Mouhoubi Dept of Architecture Abderrahmane Mira Univ – Bejaia Bejaia, Algeria nedjima.mouhoubi@univ-bejaia.dz |
STEM | ||||
Dr. Andrew Peryy | Dr. Edward Dougherty Mathematical Sciences Salve Regina University
Supply Chain & Manufacturing Management | ||||
Dr. Yu Cui | Dr. Natalia Szozda Dept. of Logistics Wroclaw Univ of Economics & Bus Wroclaw, Poland natalia.szozda@ue.wroc.pl |
Sustainability | ||||
Dr. Bjorn Walliser University of Lorraine Nancy, France bjorn.walliser@univ-lorraine.fr | Dr. Jimoh Gbenga Fatoki School of Business Roger Williams University Bristol, RI, USA jfatoki@rwu.edu |
Transportation & Energy | ||||
Dr. Ellie Fini Ira A. Fulton School of Eng Arizona State University Tempe, AZ, USA efini@asu.edu | Dr. Marzenna Cichosz Inst of Infrastr, Transport & Mobility SGH Warsaw School of Economics Warsaw, Poland marzenna.cichosz@sgh.waw.pl |