The Global Interdisciplinary Green Cities Conference 2025
Business, Engineering, Art, Architecture, Design, Political Science, International Relations,
Applied Sciences & Technology
June 17 – 21, 2025
Western New England University
Springfield, Massachusetts, USA
Submission Information
Competitive papers, abstracts, and proposals for symposia, panels, tutorials and workshops are invited for submission. The submission deadline is February 20, 2025. Sessions involving practitioners will be given special consideration. There will be special sessions on Green & Digital Cities, but all research submissions along the conf tracks are welcome. Submissions will be blind reviewed and accepted submissions will be published in the Conference Proceedings. By submitting a manuscript, the author certifies that it is not copyrighted or previously published and has not been presented or accepted for presentation at another professional meeting.
Needed for Submission
- The uploaded submission must not reveal author’s information due to the blind review process. Author’s information is entered into the conference database.
- For Panels, Tutorial and Workshops (PTW), please enter the name of the Moderator, Presenter or Coordinator.
- For all submissions, complete author’s information shall be entered into the conference database including:
- First name, middle initial and last name
- Complete affiliation address (e.g., name of the university, city, state, country, zip code)
- Office phone
- Email address
All submissions to be received electronically on or before February 20, 2025. Please click on the link to submit: